Who is Presto for?

Presto is for the beginning pianist, whether they have had a year or so of piano lessons or no piano lessons at all.

Presto teaches so much more than piano! We teach COMPLETE musicianship: vocal training, ear training, sight reading, music theory, rhythm, music history, proper piano technique, and we do it in a fun, snappy style that tweens love!

Most likely, those students who already have had a year or so of piano haven't studied all areas of music. In fact, they most likely have only dabbled a little in rhythm, have some note reading skills, and developed some finger strength. We include an optional "challenge" section written into the Presto curriculum to satisfy the appetite of hard working students and that of students who already have finger dexterity built from previous piano lessons.


Sign up for a “Presto” sample class

If you would like to participate in a sample class, please fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.